Tuesday, February 16, 2010

My message to other breast cancer patients...

I often have women contact me for advice and information about breast cancer. My message lately has often had the same theme as the following message
I sent a woman recently. This message my speak to other women's hearts as well, so I've decided to share it.

My Dear,

I hope your test results are fine. But I feel prompted to tell you that the only real regret I have in my life was not taking the advice of some Dr's, when I was 23 with my first diagnosis of breast cancer, to remove my other breast at that time. Experiencing advanced breast cancer, lymph node positive, at 35, with a husband and 2 young children was horrific. IT was a nightmare that could have been avoided if I'd done the radical surgery and had my right breast removed when the left was.I actually had the ball rolling to have the right removed, after having our two daughters, for prevention; the surgery was booked for July and I found out I had breast cancer again in March. By July it may have been to late.
I am haunted by the fear of reccurance basically everyday. Because the cancer had a chance to enter my lymphatic system, it could threaten my life for the rest of my life. I wish I had taken the advice 15 years ago and avoided this tragic event for myself and my family, that started almost three years ago and hasn't really ever stopped.
The decisions you make are very personal ones, and I respect that. But since you reached out to me I thought I'd take the opportunity to express my inner most thoughts, feelings and emotions attached to this. I hope and pray you are well at this time and that you will always remain cancer free.
While writing you I feel very emotional, even shedding tears. I so wish I could go bakc and change that one thing in my life.
Though I believe that God uses all things for good and His glory...I do so wish I'd made a different personal decision so many years ago.
Just as an aside; I happen to LOVE my new silicone breasts. They are my new girls:) I joke and call them adopted...because I love them just as much as I would if they were my own:) There are definately "perks" to these girls and I can honestly say I have never missed the others. Especially since they were trying to kill me, I was ok with letting them go.
Hind sight is 20/20...but perhaps I've given you a peek.
This is a radical disease that I believe deserves an equally radical approach to fighting it.
Dr. Lennox has an amazing reputation and I've heard he does great work; getting in to see him is a privilege, I've never had the chance. If you are already on his patient list, and he has a file on you, you'd be able to get into see him much more quickly than someone else. Right now it's a 2-3 year wait for him. IF you've seen him within the last 7 years that is; they discard patient files after 7 years. If it was more than 7 years, I woulds still try to get in to see him anyway by calling his office and explaining. But that's just me...
This is your life, your breasts, your breast cancer and your decision. I believe that, but sometimes I wish it wasn't so hard to live with my decisions!!

God Bless you. I have already said a tearful prayer for you. My heart aches for you when I don't even know you. I know where you have been. I've been in your shoes.

Take care of you and feel free to keep in touch.


Feather Janz


Medical Information said...
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Prayer-for-cancer said...

Birds of a Feather,

A befiting title and good counsel.
My prayer is with all those that have cancer or have cancer patients; May Almighty God fill each one with wisdom and peace and assurance that HE is A FRIEND that sticks closer than a brother.


Bro. Chester