Sunday, January 3, 2010

My 75th birthday?!!?

Today I turn 38. It's been almost 3 years since I was diagnosed with aggressive breast cancer, I often wondered then if I would make it to 38. Now I am here, and I AM HERE!!
Today I feel great! Today I feel like I never went through anything at all. Tonight I am leaving on a jet plane for Las Vegas with some girlfriends:)

Today my husband gave me a birthday card, wishing me a Happy 75th birthday...?!?!? What you ask? Well, not only are we thrilled that I've beat cancer so far, but he intends to give me this card again in 37 years:) Which means I've lived only just over half my life, at least!!

Here's to turning 38 and looking forward to being 75!


Katherine said...

Happy birthday Feather, have fun in Las Vegas

Flo said...

That's so great Feather. Rejoicing with you and hope you have an amazing birthday and special trip with your friends ... enjoy :)

jkwiens said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jkwiens said...

(thought I should repost with correct spelling and sign my post since I'm using my husband's login)

Happy Birthday Feather! Hope you have an awesome time. Have to say I love Chris' card idea... he's right... here's to another 37 years! -- Amber

Tania said...

Happy birthday Feath- I know you're having a great birthday week...milking your 38th for all it's worth!! I wish you much joy and contentment as you start this new year.