Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Just figures

We have all developed nasty colds. We all have serious coughs, sore throats, headaches etc. We are hoping that the warm weather in California will make us all feel much better. But we are concerned about travelling and flying with these colds.
Please pray that we'll all be feeling much better really soon. We need some recovery time even before we head out on vacation. We pray that we will come home from our vacation relaxed, rejuvanated, rested, and renewed. We are feeling hopeful about our future and working hard at finding a sense of normalcy.
My best friend, Heather, is coming out from Winnipeg and she and I are going to spend a couple nights at the best western hotel, mom's time. I'm so looking forward to having her present in my life, even if for only a few days.
We fly on Sunday am. I don't know if we'll have internet access for the time we are there. If you don't hear from me don't worry, I'll be soaking in the sun at the happiest place on earth:)

1 comment:

Tania said...

Have an amazing vacation! I'm so excited for you guys. I know that you'll kick these colds quickly and enjoy your California adventure. Bon Voyage!!