Wednesday, March 31, 2010


I've been using the nebulizer at home 3-4 times a day for two weeks. I did go off of pednizone 12 days ago, but I've been on it again orally for 2 days. But it's not getting better. This often means a trip to the ER, IV prednisone, and something to help with he pain so I can sleep. It's 11:30am and I've only managed to sleep 2 and half hours, in the last 26 hours:( tired...and tired of being sick and tired.

Basically I feel like I've been sick for three years. Breast cancer diagnosis 3 years ago, all the treatment mastectomy, lymph node dissection, 6 months of harsh chemo, every infection possible, every test possible( including a spinal tap:( heart issues ( running out of potassium almost killed me, severe asthma issues for two years, several hospitalizations, shingles, oestio-arthritis from treatment, memory issues (which have gotten better over time) not only did chemo make all my hair fall out, my toe and finger nails did as well. Weight gain from the steroids used to help treat everything; 55 lb gained:( I got severe stomach ulcers that caused internal bleeding; now i have severe acid-reflux and will probably have to take medication for that daily for the rest of my life. Again every tests possible; many MRI's, not as many CT scans (to much radiation)

oh yeah and how could I forget, 28 radiation treatments and 12 months of IV herception treatments, which weakened my heart. I have laberthyntitis for 6 months; which is basically severe vertigo every day that caused me to vomit everyday for 6 months ( the only things that was good for was 45 lbs of weigh loss)I've had my brain scanned, my lungs, my bones, my liver, my uterous and ovaries, my colon (that was fun) and many mouth ulcers and oral thrust from treatment that went to my esophagus. I had injections daily in my stomach through chemo to keep up my white cell counts or else they were 1.1; they should be 7-12. any thing under 2 basically means you've lost your immune system.

Having said all that...I'M HAPPY TO BE ALIVE TO COMPLAIN:)!!!

1 comment:

Waltrude G. - Grandmothergoose said...

Amazing! Amazing!
After reading your post I am more convinced than ever, that our Lord has a HUGE purpose for your life and for keeping you on this earth.
You go right ahead and complain til your heart is content!
Vent as much as you have to and get it out of your system.
Hey, scream if you must, as loud as your over-stressed lungs and throat will allow, but know that you are a blessing and an inspiration to many, many people.

Have a blessed Easter!
Take care!