Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Just for fun...But I'm serious!!:)

Someone on Facebook asked me the top five things that I hate but everyone else seems to like...

So here they are, in no particular order:

1. Skinny Jeans (they don't come in plus sizes?!?!)I It hought I was done with "Jor-ass" jeans in highschool?!?!)
2. Beer (All I taste is yeast, yuck!! I prefer the hard stuff. haha)
3. Giant Gas Guzzlers (I'm a tree-hugger at heart, it's in my flower child blood!!)
4. Smokers (Also I'm "allergic" to cigerette smoke; it gives me an asthma attack)
5. Snoop Dog (HOW is he famous?!?!)

What are "negatively passionate" about?!?

I am positively passionate about...

1. Faith
2. Love
3. Hope
4. Fellowship
5. Compassion

Passion is good!!!

Get passionate about something!!

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