Tuesday, May 26, 2009

MRI test

I had an MRI of my back today. I'm feeling so good this last week I'm confident that there is nothing to be found; though my prayer was that if there was something to be found that God would give the Doctors the wisdom to find i t.The tests seemed to go fine but I won't know any results for up to two weeks.

An MRI of the spine is quite uncomfortable. I was in the tube like machine, very close to your face and fairly squishy for the body, for about 1 hour and 15 minutes, yuck! My back was so sore when I was done, I was glad I was getting the test done. My back hurts the most during the night when I've been laying still. I had to have a contrast IV injection, they always leave me feeling off and gross the rest of the day.

The purpose of the test is to see if my breast cancer has spread to my spine (bones), this would be metastises of my breast cancer, which is refered to as mets. So they are looking for breast cancer mets, but I've been feeling so good this last week I've been very encouraged. I've been able to exercise every day and I'm going to be returning to work at abc restaurant next week.

Now that I'm feeling more normal, in fact the best I've felt in almost 3 years, the future seems so much brighter again. Thank-you again for everyone's prayers; new prayer requests have been posted on the left.


Waltrude G. - Grandmothergoose said...

So happy to hear that you are doing better! Sure is an answer to many prayers!

Flo said...

Wonderful news of how you are feeling - that's so great Feather' PTL !!!

Coco said...

Yay God!!!