Wednesday, June 3, 2009

An aahhha moment!

While watching the news I figured out a big part of the reason I've been feeling so crappy today. There was an air quality advisory given for our area. We've been experiencing a unique heat wave, up to 35 degrees C, and the smog had been building up. so the air quality is really bad. I guess yesterday was bad and today is worse, tomorrow even worst yet. When this happens my lungs don't work properly and I get inflamation that interferes with my body getting the oxygen it should, which results in fatigue and soreness all over; partly due to asthma and partly due to damaged lungs from radiation. It's almost hard to explain, I haven't really had it since we were in LA last June in Disneyland and I ended up in bed for a couple of days. That's how I feel now. So hanging out around the hepa airfilter, not going outside ( I love the sun and the heat otherwise:( and using my inhalers extra, is what will help. It sucks, but at least I know what I can do to feel better for now. Sort of encouraging.

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