Saturday, September 29, 2007


Walking down town Vancouver a couple days ago I came across a printed statment on a board that made me stop and think. It said, " Be Kind...Everyone has their own battle to fight." For me it's my cancer...for others it may something else. But what every their battle, lesser or greater in my eyes, it's still their battle. They may be discouraged, not knowing if their battle is to be won or maybe lost. Wheather it's a battle with depression, addiction, abuse, childhood sexual abuse, financial bankrupcy, feelings of failure, suicidal thoughts, eating disorder, loneliness, seperation, divorce, health issues, death of a loved one, self-loathing etc. What ever their battle is, it is their own, it's what they know, it's their personal experience, that deserves to be respected. I believe and have for most of my life, but only more so now...that everyone I met has something to offer me. By their workds of their presence, there is something I can learn from them and take from their life experience. I also believe that I also am worth the same. Please take the time to be kind, even if it's a street person who deserves to be looked in the eye, told God Bless you, perhaps even needs some money for drugs so they can cope with their day, until such time they have the strength to find a healthier coping machanism. Don't we all need encourgement to get through our personal battles.
At this moment I'm struggling with issues about my weight, perhaps it's easier to think about that than my cancer. Once chemo's over it's soemthing I can focus on beating. I tipped the scales at 201 lbs yesterday. Not a great momnet for me. But a battle I will win in the new year.
Be kind and think about your own battles and the battles of others, let's be warriors for each other!!

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