Saturday, March 22, 2008

Happy to be home, hope to stay here for awhile...

It’s been a rough few days, I’m almost to weak to write. Good news is that I’m home from the hospital. They did many tests while I was there from the middle of the morning at 3:30am, Thursday, till Friday morning. I went by ambulance for the first time in my life (another thing to mark off my bucket list!).

My reason for the trip via ambulance was that I woke up in the middle of the night with uncontrollable muscle spasms. (Almost seizure-like.) My chest x-rays were fine, my ‘ten’ vials of blood showed high levels of liver enzymes and low white blood T cells (immune system cells which means my immune system leaves me very susceptible to infections).

My fever was consistently too high, around 39 C, sometimes over. Other tests included an abdominal ultrasound which showed my liver to be fine and did in fact discover I do in fact have a gall bladder. The spinal tap (lumbar puncture) was the most stressful part. The results will not be back for a week – the concern being cancer cells present in my spinal fluid. I am now an outpatient and have been receiving IV antibiotics for an unidentified infection that is causing the fever. The antibiotics only add to the cocktail which my body is not particularly happy with at the moment.

I’m very happy to have lots of support at this time with Chris’s mom here. Chris’s little sister Kelsey and her husband Rob are also here (along with their baby bump!). With Colin that makes half the Janz clan here.

Hope you all have a wonderful Easter. This Easter will be extra special as Easter Sunday is Carmelle’s 5th birthday. I hope the weather cooperates and that we are able to have an outdoor Easter egg hunt (and that I have the energy to participate.


Anonymous said...

Feather, I am so glad to read that you are home to spend Easter with Chris and your girls and the extended family. I prayed for you guys when I stopped in and read your blog on Thursday night. I can only imagine how scary that was for you. You guys really do amaze me... I just know it must be that God carries you through. I don't know how you guys would do it otherwise. You are such an encouragement to me. You're probably wondering who I am... my name is Amber and the only time I've met you is at the benefit concert at the church last fall. I think of you often and have your picture on my fridge. I just keep praying for you as I think of you. Thank you for sharing your journey...I feel privileged to be able to pray for you.

Flo said...

It was great to read an update today and so thankful that you are home Feather. Been praying for you, for rest for Chris and for a special Easter together. So glad that your family is close by you right now. Enjoy Carmelle's birthday tomorrow. 5 years old - can you believe it?
Much love,

Jeff Stackhouse said...

Ya it's great you are now home Feather, awww man I was worried about you when you were in the hospital, I am glad you are back home and I hope you feel better soon. I know what it's like to feel like crap for long long periods of time. I hope you have a great easter and god bless you and chris

Jeff S

Anonymous said...

Glad you are home with your family Feather. Happy 5th Birthday to Carmelle!


barb said...

Have a wonderful Easter with your family! Hugs! ~Barb Stingl