Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Heading home?!?

Mostly I have been feeling a little better each day. My body took a beating from all the antibiodics,infections and minor surgery. It was thought that I would be getting sugery this week, but that doesn't look possibel now, the extra long weekend bogs things down (less OR time) So instead of heading home before I was ready and able, my Dr's had an idea, one I wasn't so keen on at first but when you feel as weak as I was you generally will just do what you are told:)
SO their suggestion, which I didn't have to do, was my choice, and I knew would be until I was feeling better, rested and more able; I resigned myself to the outpatient/volunteer psych program. I got a lovely room to myself, a great view, great food, and generally really good company!!
I know it was the best choice and I feel remarkably better today. I really needed the extra rest. I also got lots of scrapbooking done, enjoyed watching American Idol on the big screen (I am an Adam Lambert Fan!!)and hope to go home tomorrow, barring no more complications.
Three weeks in the hospital is not my idea of a good time, but I needed to be here and I have tried to make the best of it. I am still rather sore. I will be getting surgery still to remove the right reconstructive implant, probably in couple of weeks. Unfortunately that is right when Chris will be gone on a tour:( I'll figure it all out when the time comes. Right now it's one day at a time as I recover and rest. I think I'll take a nap soon:)
Thanks everyone for the visits, flowers,gifts, cards and prayers.

On my way,


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