Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Could it be?!?!?

Could it be...that I feel normal?!? I had a rare feeling yesterday as I realized for just a moment I felt normal. It seemed like such a foreign feeling, unlike any I'd felt recently, that I almost didn't recognize it. It was called, "Feeling normal." It only lasted a brief few minutes, but I realized it was a glimpse of my "new-normal", and it felt so good!! By the time I really was ready to take it in, it was gone. But it gave me a renewed sense of hope that around the corner, is wellness. I've experienced a few more moments like this today, as we headed to the passport office to get our passports for our family vacation in three weeks. I felt like I could finally get excited about our family vacation/10th Wedding anniversary trip. I feel like I'm going to be capable of having so much fun. I haven't been having very much fun the past few months and I can say that my heart has lightened and my heavy burden has been lifted. I know I'm on the road to wellness in my body, and my spirit rejoices!


jkwiens said...

Feather, I am so glad! I am rejoicing for you too! You need that 'normal' feeling... a little light at the end of a dark, dark tunnel. I am praying that you have more and more 'normal' moments. I am so glad to hear that you are home. See you on Thursday.-- Amber

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord for the "feeling normal" feelings. God is so good.

Unknown said...

It's so great to hear you're feeling better. Will keep you all in my prayers.

Tania said...

The next time I feel like everything is too monotonous or "normal" I will cherish the moment and think of you! Thank you Jesus for giving Feather these moments of grace.