Friday, May 9, 2008

Home vs. Hospital

I'm happy to say that I've managed to stay out of the hospital and I'm being well cared for in our home. When I last wrote I was not feeling well but I was able to speak at the Heritage Alliance Church Ladies Spring Tea. I was so glad that I was able to go and I was blessed by the opportunity,in many ways.Unfortunately afterwards I got much worse and began vomitting violently over a few hours that night. It was the worse vomitting exprience of my life, I was sure I was going to end up vomitting blood, it hurt so badly. Thankfully it stopped before that happened, but I choked at one point and feared I'd aspriated some vomit into my lungs. I managed to sleep fairly well, with the help of a lot of gravol. In the morning I woke to a nasty cough, not like any cough I've ever had. I spent the whole day in bed, weak, tired, nauseated and coughing. So this morning when i was even more weak from not being to keep food or water down for three days, I headed to the Dr's hoping not to end up in the hospital again. The Dr decided I needed a chest x-ray at the hospital. Vomitting on the way there, feeling like I could hardly walk, the X-ray showed that I had aspirated. So we got supplies for IV and the anti-biodics I needed so my lungs wouldn't get more infected. Chris got me home and hooked me up. I've been on IV fluid and antibiodics, and plenty of graval, and I'm already feeling much better. I as even able to eat some food later on in the evening and kept down some water and gingerale. I will sleep with the IV fluids running all night and I hope I feel much better in the morning. So now I'm going back to sleep, and I look forward to a new day.
Thank-you Lord for even this day and Bless tomorrow.


Kerry said...

You are such a trooper. I enjoy reading your are such a inspiration to so many people...and I know that all those people are praying for you...myself included. :)

jkwiens said...

I am always amazed at how you share on your blog... so real, but so positive. You are just down right committed to getting through each day... sometimes minute by minute. I really hope you're feeling better with the extra fluids. As Kerry said... we'll just keep praying for you. --Amber

Gail said... are such an inspiration
God Bless you....I'm praying for you

Kerry said...

By the way...HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to a wonderful Mommy!!