Monday, May 26, 2008


I'm home from the hospital. This time it really couldn't come soon enough. After spending a day in the ER, and day and night in a hallway, and then finally into a room where they could fit me. Which was acute care and the three other people in my room were scheduled for changing 3 times a day, needless to say, it was gross. If I wasn't feeling sick to my stomach already, this put me over the edge. I couldn't decide which was worse, the man cursing like a sailor, or the stench of human waste.
Once I started feeling better, hydrated and ran three full days of Iv anti-biodics; my cough let up and I was feeling incredibly anxious to be home. It certianly didn't help that I got my period on Saturday and got seriously uncomfortable with cramps, which they couldn't give me anything for. As all women know, there's nothing you want more when you are on your period than the comfort of home, your bed and the bath. Emotionally I felt wore out, hormones I'm sure didn't help, and my body wasn't rested, as I found it so hard to get sleep in the hospital. That is actually a bit of an understatement, the elderly lady across from me would get lost in the evening and one night I was even woken with her trying to get in my bed. Anyway, it's good to be home though I'm still far from perfect (100%) it's good to be feeling much better. Though I'm probably only at about 40%, it's much better than I was. I actually went down the stairs and wasn't doubled over when I got to the top. I was able to keep a couple appointments today, but with other people (my mom) driving me.
Thank-you for the continued prayers and support.

Loving my home more than ever,



barb said...

Glad you are home, and on the mend. I totally agree about being in your own bed. There is nothing as nice as your own bathtub, and your own cozy bed ;) BIG hugs :)

Flo said...

So thankful that you are home sweet home Feather. Been praying! ... and will continue!

Unknown said...

So glad to hear you're home!
Sometimes the hospital is the worst place to be when you're sick - you never get the rest you need to heal - always noises, lights, sounds, and uncomfortable beds. I'll keep you all in my prayers.