Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Hospital Patient once again...

It has been decided that it is in my best interest to be admitted to the hospital (MSA) sometime between now and tomorrow night, Thursday. My chest infection has not been getting better, due to my not being able to keep the antibiodics down or to take them regularly enough. The last week I've found my self out of breath from basic activities, heaviness in my chest, violent coughing spells and over all muscle fatigue and joint pain. While in the hospital for about four days, I will receive Iv antibiodics and constant IV hydration, as I've found myself very dehydrated due to vomitting and nausea. If you are available to visit me, I'd love some company, hospital stays can be very lonely.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

I will be up tomorrow night, love you both.