Friday, June 8, 2007

Enjoying each day!

I had a wonderful time in Whistler with my friend Shannon. Even though it rained most of the time we enjoyed just spending time together and relaxing. We did fit in walks, shopping, a movie, naps, great meals and coffee time. The fresh mountain air was lovely, just what I needed. I've been feeling well, tired and needing naps each day, but well. Chris is gone for a few days so being alone with the girls has been interesting. As I struggled to get Cadence to sleep last night she fought and head butted me right in the portacath, it about knocked the wind out of me. The port site is inflammed and not healing very well with Cadence set backs, it's very sensitive and sore.
Today I'm heading out to Chilliwack to visit family and friends with the girls. It helps having other people around to help care for the girls. I get very overwhelmed very easily. I burst into tears at the pool, when Carmelle was at swimming lessons. I was upset because I could tell her behaviour has been effected by our circumstances. The hardest part in all of this is seeing those that I love most having a hard time and struggling in their own way. I didn't let her see me cry, and there was an old bible school friend there, someone I haven't seen in years, but had heard of my diagnosis, to comfort me. She reminded me of all those that are supporting me and holding me up with prayer, and that God's arms are always around me. I thank God for all of you!
The harsh reality of my situation hits me in waves, but most of the time I feel hopeful and enjoy every moment of every day!

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