Sunday, July 22, 2007

AAhhh Bugger!

When I was first diagnosed with cancer back four and a half months ago, that first weekend the thing that bummed me out the most was that my soccer season was just going to start and I wouldn't be able to play. That's when it really hit me that this cancer was going to be a bugger! I was so looking forward to my spring season with my team, mixed league, because I'd had such a great experience with them the previous year. It felt so good to get out on the soccer field again after so many years and to feel so young and healthy (though my body often ached like the dickens after a game!) I was the most fit I'd been in years, decieving, as at the same time the cancer was plotting how to move through my system. So as my Abbotsford Rover's set off for their first practise I was at home experiencing the first thing that cancer would rob me of. I decided that cancer would get very little and that I was going to fight to preserve life as I knoew it.
I didn't get to any season games for my team, because I was afraid of sitting on the sides lines feeling sorry for myself rather than cheering them on. I was humbled by my team mates last Saturday night as many of them assembled for a Pub night in my honour. They had pink ballooons, and even the manly men from my team had no problem sitting with these pink decorations, because it was for me. They raised money for my fundraising efforts for the run for the Cure and by the end of the night I was blown away by the $400 they raised in just a few hours. Even though I didn't show up to cheer for them, they didn't stop cheering me on! Thanks to my team and it is my hope and prayer that I'll see you on the field next season, I'll be fit and ready and proud to wear my gastly yellow jersey:)
I did manage to go out yesterday and cheer for the Rovers as they played their season end tournment. They scored their only goal of the day within 30 seconds of my arrival. Perhaps I'm a good luck charm and it's sign that I'll be out next year, I'm going to take it that way anyway.
Driving home from the Pub night last Saturday night, Chris and I came upon a very drunk driver in front of us. We called the authorities as I was hoestly afraid that we were going to see someone get killed. As we followed him, as observed him head into on coming traffic half a dozen times, we kept calling in his location. (We were not leaving him until we knew he was off the road, we figured he was going to drive himself off into the ditch fairly quickly as it was) As we followed him, he got paranoid and would pull over, so we just pulled over safetly behind him. We figured this way at least he wasn't driving on the road. Finally the police showed up in full force, four patrol cars, we were requested by dipatch to stop and make a statment on site, so we did. The officer said the driver was so drunk he couldn't stand up when he got out on the car. He thanked us for quite possibly saving at least one life that night. He said, "You can sleep well tonight knowing you did a good thing. This was a deadly situation and lives were saved by you tonight."
I thank God that once again I was in the right place at the right time. I've realized more and more lately, that is my life right now, even if i don't quite understand it all the time, "I'm at the right place at the right time." My life, is God's life, My time is God's time, my plan is God's plan. It just feels right.

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