Friday, February 8, 2008

Feeling Normal?!?!?

I have to say that today was the first day I've had moments of feeling normal again, in five weeks. Though brief I recognized the moments and embraced them. Tonight was the first time I have braved dinner, bathtime and bedtime, with both girls all by myself, in longer than I remember. Cadence, who's almost three and almost completely potty trained, decided tonight would be a good night to poop in the bath! Thankfully Carmelle wasn't in yet. So as I fumbled with cleaning the bath and bath toys, after getting Cadence to put on her own pull-up and pj's, I realized she was MIA. So I set out to find her, and after awhile I found her sleeping like a log on thye carpet in the living room, under the coffee table. So I put a blanket on her, and there she will remain until Daddy comes up from work. As I tucked in Carmelle she insisted that I get her slippers, put them by her bed side and to put her house coat at the end of her bed, so that she could put them on in the morning when she wakes up. "Oh?" I said. Then she said with an attitude I didn't think I'd see for many years, "That is what humans do, ya know!!?" "OOOHHHH!!!" I said,"Well...." and I walked out of her room before I busted out in laughter. Well....I guess that's normal around here, ya know!!

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