Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Update (From Chris)

Another not so happy update. Last night Feather developed a sudden and terribly severe headache. This afternoon, after driving into Vancouver for her neurology appointment and herceptin she again took a bit of a turn for the worse. She did not feel well enough to drive home, and the nurses confirmed that they did not want her to drive home. So now tonight she is staying in Vancouver in a Canadian Cancer Society building. She may stay there until her MRI in a couple of days. The neurologist also has ordered a brain stem test, as she was VERY dizzy with her appointment with him, so much so that she could not really even complete parts of the neurology exam. Please pray that we figure all this out, and that it's nothing serious.

I must admit, it's hard for me; Feather has just returned from a fantastic time in Vegas, and now she's away again, with symptoms that remain undiagnosed and circumstances that I can't control. I will say this, that if longing makes the heart grow fonder, then I have never been more fond of my wife.


Lee said...

I am so sorry that you guys are going through this. I am thinking of you both.

Anonymous said...

thinking and praying for you both in this time.

Anonymous said...

Thinking and praying for a quick diagnosis and an alleviation of the cause for the dizziness. .

And your heart grows fonder, Chris. Beautiful.

Love ya,

Uncle W