Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Some test results...

The first look at the brain MRI is showing no real problems. A more detailed report will be to follow, but so far so good. There are also no serious problems seen with my bladder either. YEAH! That's some good news. The other good news is that today for the first time I haven't had any real dizziness, loss of balance or nausea. I do feel like my brain is a bit foggy, like you feel when you have bad jet lag, but I'm feeling better than yesterday and yesterday I felt better than the day before that. So things seem to be looking up.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That is totally AWESOME!!! I am so glad to hear that.
Talk to you soon

Anonymous said...

so glad to hear you are doing better, I will continue to pray that you get better and better all the time.


Beth said...

Hooray for bad jet lag!