Tuesday, February 5, 2008

More Updates.

I've had some questions about a few things I thought I should clear up a little. Firstly, in regards to the situation with "Sarah" , I feel that it has been put behind me. In the time frame that the comment was received, I felt stung deeply. It caused many of my emotions to flood to the surface and for the reaction of my loving and sensitive husband to come crashing down. We are very passionate people and act and react with much emotion and perhaps think it out more thoroughly later. Which is what we have done and we have put the incident behind us and have not paid it much mind. After prayer and thoughtfullness, the situation is forgiven and in the past. Though we never did get a chance to communicate this to "Sarah", perhaps she has now read this as you have.
I also wanted to let you know that continued prayers for my stomach situation would be much appreciated. As I actually met with the Gastro/intestinal specialist who did my stomach scope and biopsy gave me a bigger picture to look at today, one I'm not sure I really wanted to see. As it stands he can't say with certianty that the "ulcer" I have isn't cancer. The biopsy that was taken was benign, but that's apparently not conclusive. What will show with more certiany, is how things look in the follow up scope and biopsy, wich are currently scheduled for March 26th, approximately 2 months after the first one. If at that time the ulcer is healed, then the medication has worked and it was just a good old fashioned gastric ulcer. But if the "ulcer" hasn't changed or has gotten worse, then the situation is probably more serious, ie: cancer. So, the prayer is that over the next few weeks the medication will be working and that the ulcer will heal and that nothing will be found in the follow up scope. Lord, hear my prayer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Feather, You are a brave person. I have wanted to comment on you post regaurding Sarah. In my opinion you do not need to justify yourself or you husband at all. I too have experienced cancer and am currently undergoing my 2 round of chemo and radiation. For people who have not sat in the chemo room for hours, or layed competely still on a hard radiation table, they should not make comment on A Courage to come back award. You should only feel joy and deserve the nomination. Cancer is a battle, people who have not experienced that battle do not have the right to comment negatively on a positve experience in a cancer survivours life. My thoughts and prayers are with you as you continue with your treatments and further tests.