Friday, February 1, 2008

Good and not as good.

Good news is that the biopsy taken in my stomach has come back negative for cancer, Yeah! It's just a good old fashioned stomach ulcer. I do have to have another stomach scope done in about 3 weeks to make sure it's getting better. I do have a list of tests and Doctor's appoinments over the next few weeks to try and figure out my dizzy spells, bladder problems and why my other test showed I don't have a gallbladder. Other than my nasty cold/cough I do believe I'm feeling a bit better:)
To make myself feel better I went for some self-inflicted pain that I got to choose to have by having my legs waxed,eye brows and my face threaded, bikini line, plus my one left underarm. Why only one arm pit you ask?!?! Because no hair will grow in my right armppit because of the radiaiton there!! Speaking of the radiaited skin, it feels a 100X better than it did two weeks ago. It looks like a really dark tan, so I'm going tanning, covering that area with towels, thanks LISA and Perfect Tan for setting me up!! I'll be evened out in no time:)
I'm feeling very well cared for by my Doctor's, I had a long appointment with both my oncologist Dr. Karen Gelmon and Dr. Newton my family physician. I feel reassured and calmer about my health and care.
A very wonderful Christian man that I know and trust very much shared with me today something, that has given me a great sense of hope and faith about my long term future. He told me that God gave him a vision of me, in the vision I was older, in my 40's, with long blonde hair, a few grey's to be seen:) and a slimmer and mature me, with more radiance than I've ever had before! I will cling to that, I just know that my life time has more work to do, and I'm going to do all I can right now to recover so I'm ready for the job ahead. So off to sleep I go, that's my job right now!!

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