Saturday, February 23, 2008

Home, feeling better?!?!

I drove home this morning, I felt fine. I enjoyed watching the girls play in their "new" sandbox in our new backyard. The sun is shining and I recalled just a week ago lying in the hot Nevada sun, but as I watch my girls play, "digging for treasure", this I see is better than any Las Vegas production:)
Now I'm in my bed, in my cozy pj's, resting after a dizzy spell outside caused me to stumble inside for help. As the dizziness, quickly turned into severe nausea, Chris was there to put a gravol shot in my padded backside, as I hang over the bowl. Not romantic to say the least, and not in time either. I'm re-evaluating "feeling better" as the contents of my stomach return and I'm thanking God for the cool rim of the toliet bowl against my face. I'm glad to be home in the loving and caring arms of my husband and feeling...welll?!?!? Just Feeling.

1 comment:

Heather said...

We are praying for you Feather. I started a video fitness class over here and remembered the one you used to teach. A bunch of us girls used to come every week. You were way more fun than the video series but the pain is similar!