Sunday, April 27, 2008

Couple things...

My body feels like it's been in a major car accident. My muscles are so sore from the disaster at Central Church, I still can't believe Sat happened. I's been very surreal. The band has decided to finish the tour, only missing one show. We are so proud of them and all they'd done during this time was stay the course. Chris and
I are even more proud to say that Starfield are our friends
Please continue to pray for everyone involved..


Anonymous said...

Hi Feather-You don't know me...but I saw you speak at the mom's conference awhile back. I wanted to let you know that one of the girls who was seriously injured at the concert the other night is from my church here in chilliwack....she is undergoing some surgery's on her spine. I can keep you posted on how she is doing as I here the updates.

Jewelz said...

EEK.. sorry to hear that Christine, My thoughts are witth her, her family and friends. What an awful tragedy