Saturday, April 19, 2008

Help needed to drive me Tues & Wed

Now that the girls birthday party is over (just a few hours ago), I can look at my week ahead and try to organize childcare and transportation. I have medical appointments at the Surrey Cancer Clinic on Tuesday and Wednesday at the Vancouver Cacner Clinic. If you are able to help me out and drive me to my appointments, I'd really appreciate it. Though I'm feeling a bit better, I still don't feel well enough to drive anyone else, or myself long distances.
By the grace of God I managed a full day today from 7:30-3:30. Now I'm in bed and planning to sleep a few hours. I've had some waves of nausea and needed a bit of gravol, but not as much as I have been needing. I'm able to eat regular meals, but very small portions. Chris and I enjoyed a wonderful night at the Harrison Hotel, a gift from friends, and slept very well, but woke up to a blizzard?!?! We made the most of our nice room and never left. We spent the whole time in Pj's and had room service, while watching a few movies. Chris had the longest sleep he's had in months.
The girls "Princess" party was a huge success due to the help of friends and family. The girls are crashing from their sugar high and will hopefully sleep well tonight. Carmelle turned 5 on March 23rd and Cadence turns 3 on tuesday, but today was the party day. Right now I can hear them showing the babysitter their gifts while playing with their new toys.
Chris is working with Starfield in the studio and I'm down for the count. I would saw I'm functioning at about 60% which is much better than the 10% 10 days ago. Thank-you everyone for your continued prayers and support.
Please call or email if you can help me out with rides this week; 604-853-2966 or

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