Wednesday, November 14, 2007

My New Normal.

The last few days I’ve been feeling…well normal; though as soon as I say that, I realize that I’ll never be the same. So this will be my new normal. I’ve been feeling like I’ve never even had cancer treatment, physically anyway. My scars serve as a reminder of all I’ve been through, but I no longer feel the pain. I’ve been able to exercise as I use to and I’ve been sleeping much better. I don’t feel as overwhelmed with my circumstances and I feel much more in control of my daily activities. Having said all that, perhaps it’ll all go away with radiation treatment.
Tomorrow I have my radiation planning appointment, where they spend 2 hours lining up the radiation beams and tattooing where they will enter and exit. I woke up with a Kink in my neck that better be gone by tomorrow, since I have to lie perfectly still in the position they put me in, the whole time. I’m kind of hoping I fall asleep.
Yesterday I had the oddest sensation, hail falling hard on my bald head! Very odd but kind of COOL at the same time!

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