Sunday, August 26, 2007

My Truth.

Someone just asked a question on facebook, “What is truth?” and I responded by saying, “Knowing what the lies are.” I feel that getting cancer has given me the focus that I truly needed to focus on the truth in life, in my life. In doing so I’ve revealed many lies that have been a part of my life. I’ve realized how judgmental I am by nature and though I’ve come a long way, I still have a ways to go. Recognizing these inner lies and revealing my inner truth has been a process I’d wish on anyone and everyone, though it’s too bad that most of us have to face a tragic circumstance to really take the time and energy needed to look and dig deep within. I challenge you to do this no matter what your life circumstance. My life is certainly richer now and I wish for you the same wealth.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Feather, I really admire you for being so open and honest with all of us. God is using you in ways that you may never know. Your story is already such a testimony of God's faithfulness. And...unfortunately His "faithfulness" doesn't always mean that He answers our prayers the way we would hope. One day we will understand His purposes......and until then, we are only asked to Trust and obey.