Sunday, December 16, 2007

Seeing spots!

So I just had Carmelle at the Doctor's office for the fourth time in two weeks. We had her in for a bladder infection, due to her having the stomach flu the week before with vomitting and diarhea. But the medication we had her on didn't work, so we went back and got another one. That one didn't work either and by last sunday she was peeing blood. SO I brought her to emergency. WE waited four hours to find out that she has a very serious bladder infection that was resistant to the other antibiodics. So we got a third kind. This morning when she woke up, she was covered in thousands of spots all over her body. So she's had an allergic reaction to the anibiodics. The Doctor figures she has a Penicillin allergy! Sick!! I have an allergy to penicillin, but it didn't develop until I was 21 years old after using in many times over many years. This was the first time Carmelle has ever had antibiodics in her life!This is upsetting for me, she's already showing signs of inheriting my medical genetics, I just hope it stops with this. She's now off the medication, please pray her bladder infection doesn't return and that her hives clear up. She's had Benadryl, Reactine, Advil, an Oatmeal bath and she's covered in Calimine lotion from her head to her toes. She seems to be feeling a bit better. It's hard seeing your kids sick. It's easier being the sick one.


Kerry said...

We'll be praying for her!

Anonymous said...

feather did you try cranberry juice for the baldder infection? The more pure the better! Hope all is better.
Thoughts and prayers,