Sunday, December 9, 2007

What's your issue?

People don’t easily anger me, but someone did and they knew it, when they informed me that the root cause of all cancer is people having issues. I abruptly pointed out that all people have issues, so how come not everyone has cancer?!?! The arrogance of this comment angered me, as the person saying it doesn’t have cancer, therefore are they pointing out that then they must not have any issues?!? And I obviously do, since I’ve had cancer not once, but twice?!?! Now I’m not saying I don’t have issues, I know I do, but I don’t believe I’ve ever met someone who doesn’t have issues and if they think they don’t, then I believe that their issue is denial! I must add to this, what about all the children and infants that have cancer, are they also riddled with “issues”?!?!?
This person shared with me many of her views, beliefs and opinions that made me feel uncomfortable, before making this final comment. I thought it rather interesting when I realized that if I freely shared my views, beliefs and opinions with her, I would have run the risk of being labeled a Bible Thumper. I suppose if we openly share what we truly believe then we run the risk of being stopped. I won’t stop sharing what I believe, but I will walk away when they are sharing with me something I could do without. Hopefully they won’t be too offended and they will just respect where I’m at.
I’ve learnt to embrace my issues; that they are a big part of making me who I am today. I’ll continue to work on my issues and quite possibly develop new ones. I hope I have plenty of time to create all sorts of new issues to deal with!!


Anonymous said...

YAY that you pointed out to that person that we *all* have issues!! And I agree with you & reject that person's words as well... this cancer is NOT because you have issues!! I agree that if that were the case then we should all have cancer! Your life continues to be a testimony of God working in and through you. I have been a "silent" reader for quite sometime and I can say that reading your blog(thoughts) has been a testimony of how your cancer has healed parts of you that many of us don't dare to journey through. Feather, thank you for sharing your journey with others and thank you for being you!

Anonymous said...

This woman has what is known as narrow minded syndrome....I've enven run across some that are inflicted with shallow mindness as well as narrow minded ....Been told that I didn't have enough faith and that is why I have my journey with breast cancer...So I say upward and onwards...bugger the way they brains work...You go girl...carry on your way with your faith and your's what you are and what you should be darn proud of...