Monday, January 14, 2008

Some Good News (from Chris)

So we've had some good news for the time being... Feather's head CT and abdominal ultrasound have come back negative for tumors or mets. However, her pain still remains so this just means that there must be further tests done to figure out what exactly is happening. The ultrasound also listed her gallbladder as removed, when it has not been removed. So we're not sure what to think about that. For the moment she is still on heavy painkillers in the hospital, and we will find out today what tests they will be doing and when. We expect that there will hopefully be an abdominal CT and barium swallow to rule out anything that the ultrasound may have missed. Besides... if the ultrasound radiologist missed seeing her gallbladder, that's probably not a fantastic resume to speak to his ability.

For my part, I'm hoping Feather can come home soon, it's lonely here with her in the hospital and the girls and I are both missing her. Continue to pray that the diagnosis will continue to lead away from anything cancer related, that it's quickly treatable and that we continue to be successful in managing Feather's pain, and that we can do this successfully when she comes home as well. Thanks again for keeping tabs on us. And thank-you for your prayers, they are so needed, and so effective.



Anonymous said...

Awesome news re: C.T. Not to sure about the radiologist and the gall bladder. H'mm.

Was in today to visit but you were out somewhere Feather with tests I guess. Hope you got my card. See you soon.

Love, Uncle Wayne

mistletoe said...

Hi Feather, Chris & family,
I've been checking this daily to see how Feather is doing, and I'm constantly thinking of you!
Its sad to know Feather is in the hospital, but I'll pray that this may mean the Dr's will find the answer much faster and that she can go home soon.
take care,

Flo said...

Praying for you guys and for Feather to come home very soon.
Bruce and Flo

Lee said...

thankyou for updating us, I have been thinking of you guys all day today.