Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Medical Test update

We've been informed that on Wed July 23rd, I'll meet with my oncologist, have a high resolution CT Scan of my lungs and my herceptin treatment all in the same day. So two weeks today, thankfully I have much distraction between now and then.I'm experiencing the most difficult time of my life, keep our entire family in your prayers, especially now. Pray that the Quebec Retreat provides me with much needed R&R, peace and insight.Just to come home to more testing and possible confirmation of bad news.As my right chest pain persists and so does this nagging cough, I keep thinking that I'm just having a harder time this year with allergies. I've had a buy day of errands and trying to organize the house the way I want it. I feel an extreme desire to be in control of something, the closets and shelves seem the easiest.

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